Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Full Moon

"You made my week special!"- Katy

"Beans and greens and cornbread. I used a bunch of homemade chicken stock and my chickens eggs. It was pretty great!" -Mary

Photos and Feedback from CSA members! Yeah! Please email recipes or photos that I may share here.

4th of July and USAmerica! (#3 is my favorite song of  the year)

Striped Armenian Cucumbers! Leonardis Organics. This is the first harvest of striped armenian's from Jim's farm this year  and we are pleased to bring them to you. A delicious and beautiful specimen of the cucurbit family. Striped light and dark green, sometimes curly sometimes straight these cukes are a treat and a half. one may not find them in the store but they are a big hit at the farmers market and in the kitchen. No peeling required, these babies are delicious thru and thru. Slice and enjoy. Quick Pickles   or

Mexican Style Cucumbersalad

Lambs Quarters! Wild relative of Spinach and Quinoa. Highly Nutritious with a delightfuly mild flavor. I think it tastes a little "spiced" . Check out what the nice folks at Mariqueta farm say about this one, plus recipes.
or check out these recipes too! (I've made a similar pesto and loved it on my sandwiches or salad filled pita)

Lettuce! Romaine, Red Butter and Green Butter. One more week of lettuce after this and we're going out big. Going to a 4th of July potluck? bring a salad.. The fiber, water, vitamins and mineral content of  lettuce make it a complimentary addition to BBQ spreads on a hot day.

Rainbow Chard! From our friends at Ancient Lake Gardens. Tucked into the South Eastern foot of  Mt. Konocti, ALG enjoys a moderate, lake influenced vantage point to grow excellent fruits, nuts and vegetables year round.  This Chard is no exception. Here is a great article with plenty of recipe ideas  from the NY Times on chard to help.

Purple Top Turnip! Also from Ancient Lake Gardens, Gorgeous roots and greens that even the stinkbugs could not resist. (the stinkers!) Thanks to that cool lake influence these roots have matured with the increasing sunshine and heat of summer and still delicious. Try them  grilled,  baked, roasted, grated, mashed

lock your doors! zucchini's coming soon.

more heads= more fun.

Jericho in the field.

Painted Mountain Corn, pre milling.

wheat, ready for harvest.

1 comment:

  1. I will slice them up for the BBQ I am about to attend. What a simple recipe of lime juice and delicious chili powder. I wonder if paprika would be another good choice? Thank you!
